Many of you may already know that my husband and I are expecting our first child. I am blessed to be carrying our baby boy and overly excited to meet him on or around January 2nd, 2018. When we announced the big news, I felt compelled to share more than just your typical pregnancy announcement. God had done something so amazing for us, that I promised Him I would not hesitate to share our full miracle pregnancy story so that He gets all of the glory that He deserves.
What most people don’t know is that we had been trying to conceive since November 2015. I had it all planned out in my mind. I was that person who tracked my cycle meticulously. Yet, there was one problem; my cycle was extremely irregular. I could go 2-3 months without a period. After a few months passed with no positive pregnancy test, I decided to see my doctor and find out what could be wrong. In February of 2016, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS). I had to take several tests and an ultrasound to confirm it. The ultrasound revealed that my ovaries were enlarged and had many little cysts on them, a common effect of PCOS. One could have mild to severe PCOS, and I was told that I did not have the mild version, but that I had “full-blown” PCOS. I left the office, sat in my car, and cried my eyes out. It was a strange moment because it offered me an explanation, which gave me some peace, but also placed this invisible barrier in front of us.
If you are not familiar with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), here’s a brief overview. It is “A hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.” It can cause many complications including:
- Infertility
- Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
- Miscarriage or premature birth
- Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes
- Depression, anxiety and eating disorders
- Obesity
Back to our story….
Now, my husband is surely a man of God. He hears from the Lord, and I often joke with him saying “you are definitely God’s favorite.” We know that God is no respecter of persons; but the Lord ALWAYS honors what my husband says or plans. It’s actually encouraging to me because I can see the Lord move in his life and on his behalf from behind the scenes. It has been proven time and time again that when he says “The Lord said such and such is happening”, it happens. Around the time that we started “trying to conceive”, it was prompted by something the Lord told my husband. God pretty much told him to be fruitful and multiply (paraphrase). So you could imagine our surprise when it didn’t happen right away and we discovered this big complication. Still, we trusted that God is faithful to His word even when it looks like it’s not going to happen. We NEVER believed that we would not have children. The Lord showed me my children in a vision a few years ago, and I just knew that it was going to happen. This was just a test of our faith.
Due to the diagnosis, I had to take Metformin, a drug commonly used for people with diabetes, because it helped with my insulin resistance. I also tried many natural supplements for at least 3 months in an attempt to help regulate my cycle. Nothing worked. I started to track ovulation to see if I could pinpoint the days I would be most fertile, and I literally went about 2 months without a positive ovulation test. I was devastated and disappointed nearly all of the time and would constantly go back and forth between being sad, depressed (also a side effect of PCOS), and then encouraged and full of faith. The roller coaster was real ya’ll. London, my husband, would often encourage me, and he seemed to be the strong one for both of us. He never complained and never had any negative speech.
In July of 2016, we went on our annual ministry trip to California with House of Chayah Ministries. We are always blessed on this trip and get to encounter Jesus in a new place with new people, and it’s just amazing every time. This year we met a wonderful man of God at Power For Living Ministries. He is full of the Holy Spirit, and noticing that, I asked him to pray with my husband while we were all conversing and hanging out after service. He gave a very on point prophetic word and we were so blessed. In the middle of his prophesying, he says “I see such a concern about babies, why this concern? Woman, barrenness is not something God has given to you….” He goes on to speak directly to us regrading having a child, and much more. We were floored, but not shocked as we know and experience prophecy all of the time. It’s just another amazing way the Lord says “I love you and I see you.” Now we have never met this man before then. We did not know him. To top it off, we had not told anyone of our “situation” with the exception of 1 or 2 family members who were not on this trip or associated in any way.
As you can imagine, our faith did cartwheels. We were so revived and renewed in our hearts and minds. The one true God, creator of the universe, lover of our souls, was so concerned and involved in our little lives. The things that were prophesied, even the number of children we would have, was the 2nd time we had heard that number. The Lord told us before we were married, how many children we would have. It’s something you write down and don’t think about until you hear the exact same thing again years later. If you know me, you know I recorded the whole thing…oh yes I did. So that I could go back and listen to see if it was true. I’m sitting here typing this blog post over a year later, watching the Lord do all that He said He would do.
Sidebar: If you would like to read more on prophecy, check out the Bible: 2 Peter 1:21, Amos 3:7, 1 Corinthians 14:3, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, and many more.
So once we got home from this trip, I expected to get pregnant fast… Not so!!! It’s hilarious how the Lord does things. I struggled in prayer, asking if it was OK for me to go see a fertility specialist and take fertility medication if necessary. Surely God gave us doctors, and it would not mean that I lost faith in Him because I went to the doctor. My OBGYN started me on a fertility drug called Clomid. It’s supposed to make you ovulate. I did 2 rounds of it and finally had a positive ovulation test!!… Still, I did not conceive. I believed that the Lord was OK with me going to the doctor. So I took it a step further and started seeing a fertility specialist at Penn Medicine. To make a long story short, she did many test, confirming PCOS again, and wanted me to wait 3 months before starting on Clomid again and she would start me on a much higher dosage. I had already been off of it for about 2 months before then since it clearly wasn’t working for me. During this time, they ran test. My husband and I resolved in our minds that we wouldn’t keep “trying” but we would just “be.”
In my private prayer time with the Lord, I would often say that we are totally dependent on Him. I asked Jesus to do it naturally so that He could get all of the glory. I didn’t want anyone to say that it was this doctor or this medication but wanted it to be explicitly known that God Himself did it. Also during this time the Lord was doing the miraculous on a regular basis at my church, Bethel Deliverance International Church. I had been asking the Lord to completely heal me from PCOS and for Him to give me new ovaries. I believe God can do it, and I’ve seen Him heal so many at my church and other places. So after a total of about 5 months since I stopped using the fertility meds, I still had irregular periods and all of the other signs that PCOS was still present and not improving. Our minds were in a better place and we were just living life, still with the hope that our children would come.
In April 2017, as I was preparing to graduate from the School of Prophetic Development, we had one more class/fellowship. It’s called the graduate’s dinner. I was looking forward to this day 2 years ago when I started the school because the seasoned prophets pretty much go in and prophesy to us graduates individually. When my turn came, a few of the prophets ministered to me. Two of them whispered in my ear (separately) that the Lord showed them me giving birth. One of them even said the same number of children that had been said to us previously over the last 2-3 years. Another reminder from the Lord. We are firm believers that the Holy Spirit in the Bible, is the same Holy Spirit that operates today (Romans 8:11, Hebrews 13:8). Now this post is not to begin a doctrinal argument, it is simply what happened to us.
Moving on….
On April 22nd, 2017, I received a phone call from Penn Medicine as I was driving. This was also the day that I graduated from the aforementioned school. I had taken a blood test about a week before because the doctor wanted to start me on Clomid again but needed to check my progesterone levels before I could be approved to take the medication. I had been fertility med-free for months by this time. On the call, the Nurse told me my progesterone was a certain number (she said a particular number, but I forgot what it was lol). I had no clue what that meant. Then she says, “hold up, can I put you on hold?” When she came back, she told me that she was so concerned about giving me the blood test results that she almost overlooked the fact that I’m pregnant! I was like, “come again?” She said it again, “you’re pregnant.” I asked her if she was certain, and she said it for the third time. When we hung up, I screamed to the top of my lungs! I screamed and cried so badly that I had to pull over! I was in so much shock. You know, I praised the Lord like never before. I was pregnant naturally. No fertility meds, no special anything, and nothing that anyone could take credit for except God. After 17 months, the Lord did it naturally!
The weeks to come would be trying. I had to get an ultrasound immediately at 5 weeks. Then again at 6 weeks and 8 weeks before I could be released to my regular OBGYN. They had to determine if the pregnancy was viable. One of the ultrasounds had a little scare as there was fluid around the embryo. We prayed, the mothers at our church prayed, and when we went back, the fluid was gone. No explanation needed. Today I am 7 months pregnant. Our little boy is on his way. We call him Baby Houston and #thepromise. God is faithful. I just wanted to share our story. This is not a formula for anyone, but simply the way God did it for us. He may very well do it much differently for you. I promised Him that I would share this testimony, and I hope that it encouraged someone to keep trusting in the Lord no matter what it looks like.
2024 Update: Our son is now 6 years old!
As I share our story, I’m reminded of the lyrics from one of my songs, “Fill Me Up“. Although it wasn’t penned with this particular chapter of our lives in mind, the essence of the song speaks volumes to how much we need to lean on Jesus, in good times and bad. Take a listen when you get the chance.
Thanks for reading!
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